Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Remembering Timothy Polii

Today Perry Clement Timothy Polii was buried. He was born on November 10, 1984. I remember when I was still in middle school, whenever I go to Yordan I would meet him with his brother, Terry, in front of their house, near Om Utu's telaga.

The next time I met him was when I started working as a Bible Teacher in SLA Tompaso in June 2002. He was in III IPA, together with all the bright young kids striving to become doctors and scientists. Actually, during the first day of class, I saw him seating in III IPS.
He was a leader among his batchmates. Although looked upon negatively by some teachers. My first impression of him was a smart guy, with a photographic memory (reminds me of Marto when we were in high school). He was an adventurous fellow, a sportsman.

The first weekend I spent in SLA, he invited me to climb Mount Soputan with him and his friends. I told him that I was not capable of going such distances anymore. But he encouraged me. So I tried hard and reached the foot of Soputan. It was an all-night hike. Unfortunately that dawn, I could only make it halfway to the peak. Every step I took, would bring me down 3 steps because of the loose volcanic gravel.

Later, I found Timmy, as his friends call him, to be a bass singer. He'd be my right-hand man whenever we go out on Sabbaths to visit other churches. I'd usually assign him to lead a team that will take care of teaching the Sabbath School lessons, take part in the Divine Worship, and does an AY program in the afternoon. He was so capable of doing all those things.

After graduation from SLA, he joined his parents in the Philippines. I met him later on when my family had our vacation here. After that, I lost contact, only occasional hi through electronic means.

Sunday, May 31, 2009, I read from Facebook that he died. On the way home from the airport in Manado, on Saturday night, a Toyota vehicle bumped him from behind and dragged his body. He survived the night, but breathed his last at dawn at Manado Adventist Medical Center. I wish there was a way that they could have done to save him. But in the midst of everything, God has His will for Timmy.

I called up his father at 11.45 today. He immediately answered the phone. There was singing at the background, they were starting the funeral service. I just said hi, introduced myself, and he started to cry. I told him that we're all sad but "God will help us all to be strong, especially you, your wife and Terry. He'll help you go through this dark hour of life," and he replied, "Thank you, thank you, Bryan."

This makes me ponder in life. Life is fragile. One minute you're alive, the next minute you're dead. How frail is humanity! How short is life, and how full of trouble! Like a flower, we blossom for a moment and then wither. Like a shadow of a passing cloud, we quickly disappear. (Job in 14:1-2).

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Jokes for Today

I just could not resist pasting these jokes here.

I. Sehari setelah membeli Toyota Kijang, Ridwan kesal bukan kepalang. Pasalnya, mobil tersebut mengalami gangguan mesin yang sangat fatal. Tidak bisa pindahgigi dari 1 menuju ke gigi 2, maka yang terjadi mobil tersebut langsung loncat ke gigi 3.

Esok harinya, Ridwan pergi ke salah satu bengkel resmi Toyota. Tetapi pada saat Ridwan komplain, sang mekanik hanya bengong dan tidak merespon sambil mengerjakan mobil lainnya. Kesal dan geram menjadi satu seketika itu juga saat montir tersebut tidak juga memperhatikan Ridwan. Merasa dicueikin akhirnya Ridwan membentak montir tersebut dan minta penjelasan mengapa di bengkel sebesar ini konsumen tak diperhatikan.

Namun montir itu tetap santai, kemudian mengatakan itu sudah resiko memilih mobil Kijang. Kontan saja Ridwan naik pitam. Tapi lagi-lagi si mekanik tetap tenang sambil berujar, "Di TV dan koran kan sudah dijelaskan kalau KIJANG MEMANG TIADA "DUA"-NYA."

II. Globalization

Question: What is the truest definition of Globalization?

Answer: Princess Diana's death.

Question: How come?

Answer: An English princess with an Egyptian boyfriend crashes in a French tunnel, driving a German car with a Dutch engine, driven by a Belgian who was drunk on Scottish whisky, (check the bottle before you change the spelling) followed closely by Italian Paparazzi, on Japanese motorcycles; treated by an Spanish doctor, using Brazilian medicines.


This is sent to you by an American (using Bill Gates's technology) and you're probably reading this on your computer, that uses Taiwanese chips, and a Korean monitor, assembled by Bangladesh workers in a Singapore plant, transported by Indian lorry-drivers, hijacked by China, unloaded by African longshoremen, and trucked to you from Malaysia by Indonesian

III. Bahasa Korea

1.Apa Kabar? = Anyong Aseo
2.Sampai Jumpa = Anyong
3.Kurang Ajar = Monyong
4.Tidak Lurus = Men Chong
5.Pria suka berdandan = Ben Chong
6.Tiba-tiba = She Khonyong Khonyong
7.Gak Punya Duit = Nao Dhong
8.Pengangguran = Nong Krong
9.Belanja = Bao Rhong
10.Merampok = Cho Long
11.Saringan Botol = Choo Rhong
12.Kendaraan Berkuda = An Dhong
13.Jual Mahal = Gheng Xi Dhong
14.Ngelamun = Bae Ngong
15.Mulut = Mon Chong
16.Sosis = Lap Chong
17.Suami dari adiknya Papa = Ku Chong
18.Kiss me = Soon Dhong Yang
19.Sweet memory = Choo Pang Dhong
20.Mobil mogok = Dho Rong Dhong
21.Lapangan luas = Park King Lot
23.Nasi dibungkus daun pisang: Lon Thong
24.Cowok Cakep Kaca Mata: Bae Yong Jun
25.Cowok Cakep Rambut Lurus: Jang Dong Gun
26.Cowok Cakep Rambut Keriting: Ahn Jung Hwan
27.Bagian belakang = Bho Khong
28.Masih muda = brondhong
29.Punggung gatal = Ga ruk dong
30.Telur asin = Ndok A Chin
34.Sendok Gede = Cen Thong
31.Clana Sobek = Bho Long
32.Kepala Botak = Kin Clong
33.Lagi Menyanyi = Me Lo Lhong
35.Orang Hitam = Goo Shong
36.Bibir Ucup = Mo Nyong
37.Berbulu = Ge Ran Dhong