Ministry and Spiritual Life: Assignment



God's work in our conference is experiencing tremendous growth during the last 5 years. In 2007 alone the conference welcomed into the fellowship of North Minahasa Conference 7 new churches that were organized from among the companies that existed. Every year our conference have an average of 5 new churches organized.

But in spite of this growth, the churches established are not the 'dream churches' that a pastor would have expected. This is shown by stagnant growth, lack of enthusiasm in participating in church programs and a lack of desire for personal witnessing.

After an 'unofficial' investigation of these small churches that I once ministered to I have found that there are many reasons leading to this characteristics. But the biggest reason why the churches are like that is because the members spiritual lives not good. I have found that most members who were baptized are either 'rushed' to baptism because of marriage to an Adventist or are people who did not have enough time to study the Adventist thoroughly but had to be baptized because of a reaping campaign set by the Conference.

Thus, the spiritual quality of life that is expected from the majority of the members who make up a church is not usually the quality that we expect them to have. This in turn creates a big impact to the family members, especially to the children who grow up not accustomed to spiritual practices of an Adventist family, i.e., morning and evening worship, regular church attendance, among many others.

While this is mostly the case of the converted SDA members, I have also found that families who have children going to school and parents going to work usually do not have time to have family worship together and because of their own busyness seldom have time for God until its time to go to church on Sabbath morning.

In view of these findings, I have come to the conclusion that the majority of church members in a small to average sized church (100 to 200 members), where the majority of them are young adults do not have a rich spiritual life, thus the need for improvement and growth. Although I cannot say that these findings are conclusive, because these are only based on the 13 churches that were in my pastorate for the last 6 years, but I believe that there can be a tremendous change in the way of life of the church and the individual members if there is spiritual growth happening in their life.

I am especially interested to help the young adults' spiritual development in order for them to be "conformed to the image of God." To make this happen, the pastor has to be the first individual that experience spiritual growth before he can teach others to change.

Program Details

Purpose of the Program

    Because the church is experiencing big losses of young people in the church, I believe that it is not yet too late to do something about it. I have identified two purposes that can be achieved through this program. Primary purpose is that by implementing this Spiritual Formation Program I expect that the primary focus of bringing the young people to "be living in the presence of God, with God at the center of our lives, so that who we are with ourselves and with others and the world depends on who we are with God." (C. Tasker, Class Handouts 2008, p. 2) be achieved. The secondary purpose is that this program will bring a tremendous change in the lives of these youngsters that will activate them to become 'role models' for other church members and by that will trigger an interest of others to be changed like them, thus becoming an avenue for other age groups to be taught through a similar program.

    By targeting this age group first, I hope to build a model group that will be foundational to reach other groups, i.e children, teenagers, middle age and old age. Customizing the program to meet their needs for spiritual growth.

Target Audience

The targeted group of people for this program will be the young adults in the age group of 18-40 years old. I believe that these are crucial years for young adults in their decision to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and from that point on develop a close relationship with Him. I also believe that Young Adults are an important part of the church. They have been neglected too long and they have never been given room to grow in church in spite of their talents and abilities. They are often looked down and not counted as people who are responsible and mature enough to have an active role in the church life.


    The timeframe for this program will be for 2 (two) months or 8 consecutive weeks. With a setting on an average sized church with 150-200 members. Normally around ± 30% of this will constitute of young adults. The group of young people will meet on these days and time, according to the need:

  1. Sabbath Morning    -    Application of Lessons
  2. Sabbath Sermon    -    Receiving lessons through Sermon Delivery
  3. Sabbath Afternoon -    Short seminars or classes/practicum
  4. Sunday Morning    -    2 hour classes/practicum

Expected Outcomes

    By the end of this program the young people are expected to:

  1. Comprehend the importance of spiritual formation and growth in a young person's life.
  2. Understand the spiritual disciplines and able to describe them.
    Internal         External         
    Meditation        Simplicity    Service
    Prayer            Stewardship    Evangelism
    Fasting            Solitude
    Study             Submission
    (In the broader scope will include the Corporate Disciplines. Mainly taken from Richard J. Foster, Celebration of Discipline, 1998)
  3. Practice the spiritual disciplines as a habit in their daily life.
  4. Show changes in attitude in family and church life as prompted by the Holy Spirit.
  5. Teach their peers how to live a life closer to God through a life of Spiritual Disciplines.
  6. Participate in church life as spiritually mature Young Adults.

Program Details

    Since this is relatively new for the church to have an intensive type of customized Spiritual Growth program, I will be 'borrowing' heavily on the books, materials, topics, teaching methods and activities I have learned in the class by Dr. Carol Tasker, CHMN 679 Ministry and Spiritual Life, AIIAS March-April 2008.

    Basically this program will run for 2 months. Two weeks in advance, the pastor will identify 10 potential young men, women even older people who are keen to young adults' needs, who also show leadership abilities among the group of young adults. After identifying them the pastor will then pray earnestly for them everyday for 14 days and fast for them every Sabbath. During that time the pastor will conduct visitation to get to know them in a closer relationship in order to build rapport and trust. It is crucial that the pastor achieve this goal of becoming acquainted these 10 people for at the end of 14 days when the pastor announces the program to the church, they will become 'leaders' that will assist the pastor throughout this program. Upon visitation the pastor should be able to convince them to help the pastor with a commitment written and signed by them.

    It is expected that by the time the announcement is read, the young adults are already well informed prior to that through previous announcements, commercials posted and personal invitations with their names written on it, handed personally by the pastor.

    The first Sabbath when this program becomes official, the pastor will preach on the topic of "What is Spirituality? – It's importance and role in the Church" as an introduction to the church in general. Sermons on the topic of spirituality will be four times, once every two weeks. The purpose of this is so that the members will not get bored or feel too much pressure from the pulpit, rather they will feel motivated in a series of sermons that will really be 'spiritual food' for their starved soul.

    During Sabbath Afternoon, the pastor will commence the program by separating the young adults in a separate room for a continued 2 hours seminar with question and answer portions on "An Introduction of Spirituality" as a follow up topic and explanation of the first activity of the group of young adults, spiritual retreat.




Teaching Strategy 

Desired Outcome 

Saturday Morning

(Hour of Worship)

2 hours 

- What is Spirituality?—It's importance and role in the Church

* Creative sermon with visual aids (Powerpoint)

* Affirmation from congregation

Congregation will understand why we need to have a growing spiritual life

Saturday Afternoon

2 hours 

- Introductions

- Young Adults and Spirituality

- Explanation of the program and the 'Retreat' 

* Bible reading

* Brainstorming Ideas on Spirituality

*Grasp the main ideas of spirituality

*Commit to be a part of this program from start to finish 


8 hours 

- All-day retreat in the woods/prayer garden for 8 hours

- Activities as outlined in Appendix 1 

* see Appendix 1 – C.Tasker's Spiritual Formation Retreat Program

*Experience the nearness of Christ

*Become aware that coming close to God is a simple step 




Teaching Strategy 

Desired Outcome 

Saturday Morning


30 min

- The Importance of a Relationship with God. 

* Skit performance for Personal Ministries time

*Show others the benefit of coming close to God 

Saturday Afternoon

2 hours 

- Spiritual Disciplines

- Spiritual Formation

- Meditation (venue: nature)

* Bible reading

* Brainstorming ideas

* Practice Bible Journaling

*Grasp the main ideas of spirituality


2 hours early morning

- Prayer (venue: church)

- Types of Prayer

* Early morning prayer, introduction to the topic

* Questions on Prayer

* Name Prayer

* Small group Discussion

* Role play 

*Know that prayer is not an arduous task

*Develop a habit of praying regularly





Teaching Strategy 

Desired Outcome 

Saturday Morning


2 hours 

- Health and Spirituality 

* Incorporate activities that will touch on the 8 intelligences throughout the worship service  

*Know that being healthy physically and spiritually is balanced

Saturday Afternoon

2 hours 

- Study (venue: church library)

- Bible Study

- Inform the class to fast for tomorrow

* Bible reading

* Brainstorming ideas

* Reinforce Bible journaling as a habit

*Become aware that God reveals Himself through the Bible and nature.

*Develop a habit to journal their Bible study


2 hours early morning 

- Fasting (venue: church)

- Types of fasting

- Benefits of fasting 

* Ask question on definition of fasting

* Survey/work sheets on fasting

*Practice fasting regularly in life




Teaching Strategy 

Desired Outcome 

Saturday Morning

(SS Prog.)

1 hour 

- Involve them to lead the SS Program

-Skit on "The Power of Change" 

* Drama, skit, where they show what they have learned so far

*Show others their knowledge so far

Saturday Afternoon

3 hours

- Simplicity & Stewardship (venue: at the beach)

- Short AY Program in connection with the Topic

- Bible games

- Close the Sabbath 

* Questioning for ideas

* Group discussion on the meanings of the discipline

* Use of visual aids to illustrate simplicity and how we become stewards

*Understand the importance of simplicity and stewardship

*Show changes in their view of priorities and needs in life


2 hours early morning 

- Solitude & Submission (venue: an overnight campout in the mountains)

* Ask questions definition of solitude & submission

* Group discussion 

*Practice fasting regularly in life 





Teaching Strategy 

Desired Outcome 

Saturday Morning


2 hours 

- "Spiritual Revolution in the CHurch" which will outline the changes that will happen when spiritual life of the church is improved

* Testimonies from young adults

* Reports on the progress of young adults 

*Be proud of the changes happening to them

*Not ashamed to tell others of the positive changes occurring 

Saturday Afternoon

3 hours 

- Service (venue: church)

- Sacred Pathways 

* Questioning for ideas

* Group discussion on the meanings of the discipline

* Use of visual aids to illustrate simplicity and how we become stewards

*Understand the importance of simplicity and stewardship

*Show changes in their view of priorities and needs in life


4 from hours early morning

- Early morning prayer with devotional (venue: beach)

- Hands on practice on Service: go out to the community, church members, to serve according to their abilities. Spend one to two hours doing that.

- Lunch (venue: lambshelter church) 

* Doing meditation, solitude and prayers in the open.

* Practice what they learn

* Celebrate the occasion by having lunch together, bonding.

*Realize that service can be a natural act that springs out from a heart conformed to God

*Enjoy the fellowship and unity with peers

*Satisfied with the results of working together 





Teaching Strategy 

Desired Outcome 

Saturday Morning

(Personal Ministry)

1 hour 

- Testimonies on the service done throughout the week 

* Testimonies from young adults

* Reports on the progress of young adults 

* Active in offering themselves to serve others

Saturday Afternoon

3 hours 

- Evangelism

- Sacred Pathways 

* Questioning for ideas

* Group discussion on the meanings of the discipline

* Use of visual aids to illustrate simplicity and how we become stewards 

*Understand the importance of simplicity and stewardship

*Show changes in their view of priorities and needs in life


4 from hours early morning 

- Early morning prayer with devotional (venue: beach)

- Hands on practice on Service: go out to the community, church members, to serve according to their abilities. Spend one to two hours doing that.

- Lunch (venue: lambshelter church) 

* Doing meditation, solitude and prayers in the open.

* Practice what they learn

* Celebrate the occasion by having lunch together, bonding. 

*Realize that service can be a natural act that springs out from a heart conformed to God

*Enjoy the fellowship and unity with peers

*Satisfied with the results of working together 





Teaching Strategy 

Desired Outcome 

Saturday Morning


1 hour 

- "Parable of the Sower" (emphasis on the kind of ground we are. Are we the good ground, ready to absorb God's word?)

* Illustration on farming

* Realize that all this time God has prepared hearts as in Good Ground to accept changes in Spiritual Life

Saturday Afternoon

3 hours

- Interacting with the church

- Temperaments

- Spiritual gifts 

* Temperament inventory

* Spiritual Gifts inventory

* Group discussion 

* Know their temperaments and gifts


- Reporting on experience on Spiritual Formation

- Evaluation on the program

* Allow each person to give a 5 minute testimony on how this program have impacted their lives.

* Short essays for reflection

* Fill-up evaluation sheets 

*Rejoice in the changes that have happened in their lives





Teaching Strategy

Desired Outcome 

Saturday Morning


1 hour 

- "Transformed in the Image of God"

- Special Sermon with drama reflecting on the experiences of the Young Adults throughout the 2 months 

* Drama

* Powerpoint

* Act out their experiences in the drama

Saturday Afternoon

3 hours 

- AY Program "Where do we go next?"

- Commitment Program

* Q&A Session on the positive and negative aspects of the program

* Group discussion on how to improve for future programs

* Become aware of their roles in the church as important


Although this proposed program to be implemented in the Local Church in Manado, Indonesia is still very limited, I believe that along the way there may be improvements that can be done to perfect the methods that are not yet suitable. The Holy Spirit has guided me to work on this program aimed primarily for the Young Adults which then can be a bridge to adults and other age groups in the church.

Consequently the Church will see the importance of this kind of program and under the leadership of the pastor and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, will form a committee to work on the plans for a concrete Spiritual Formation Program in the local church.

Bryan Sumendap
AIIAS, April 9, 2008


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