Running for My Health

In each person's life, whether rich or poor, young and old, there will come a time when he or she will finally realize that he's got to do something in his life. Something to improve his living condition, from bad to good, from good to best. I have reached that point. I realize that all my New Year resolutions are just slogans that are just meant to be slogans; promises that are made to be broken. I have to make drastic changes in my life. It should not wait. It should be now. After an overnight fast I went to take my blood test and health screening at the gym. I was able to get the results of the health screening right away. The blood test results, however, will be available after a few days. I found out that I was 'sick,' very 'sick.' I am 35 years old but my body age is 63 years old. I am overweight, an obese person with 95 kg on the scale. I am well on my way to 100 kg in no time if I will not put a stop to it. A few days later, I was shown the results...