
Showing posts from 2012

Pesta Kawin di Boston--Grace in Action

Sekarang sudah pukul 1 pagi. Mengantuk. Capek. Tapi kali ini ingin mempost sesuatu dalam bahasa Indonesia. Tadi saya baru saja membaca buku Philip Yancey What’s so Amazing About Grace? Saya sangat tergerak dengan salah satu ceritanya mengenai sebuah Perumpamaan Yesus yang modern, mengenai Grace--Ramhat. Berikut adalah terjemahan dari perumpamaan tersebut yang telah dibantu translate oleh Google. Seorang wanita dan tunangannya sepakat untuk mengadakan resepsi pernikahan mereka di pusat kota Boston Hyatt. Suatu hari mereka pergi ke Hyatt untuk membuat keputusan akhir mengenai menu makanan mereka dan menyelesaikan semua urusan-urusan lainnya. Mereka memilih alat makan yang mewah dan mereka juga ingin menggunakan rangkaian bunga yang baik untuk resepsi. Ternyata mereka berdua mempunyai selera yang cukup mahal sehingga tagihan terakhir mereka diperkirakan sebesar tiga belas ribu dolar. Mereka pun menulis cek sebesar setengah jumlah tersebut karena itu adalah jumlah yang diperlukan seb...

Ten Traits

Today I came across an excellent chapter from the book Focus on Leadership. In this chapter, Bennis is suggesting that the following ten traits should exist in a life of a leader. How can our churches incorporate some of these traits when training leaders? Is it about time for us to start doing so, or should we just be satisfied with the status quo of our leaders? Source: Bennis, Warren. (2002). Become a tomorrow leader. In Spears, Larry C. & Lawrence, Michele. Focus on leadership: Servant-leadership for the twenty-first century , pp. 102-107. New York, NY: John Wiley. Warren Bennis Tomorrow’s leaders must learn how to create an environment that embraces change, not as a threat but as an opportunity. Some leaders will be successful at this; others will fail. 1. Successful leaders have self-awareness and self-esteem . They sense when a different repertoire of competencies is needed, without being threatened by the need to change. They have the diagnostic ability...

Survey Questionnaire in Manado

Its now the third month of 2012 and this is my first post for this year. Well, 2011 has been an interesting year. Last December I went home to distribute my survey questionnaire at the churches in North Minahasa Conference, Manado. My study is focused on finding the correlation between leadership behaviors of small group leaders towards the effectivity and success of the small group ministry program in the North Minahasa Conference. In order to achieve that, I have designed a questionnaire to measure leadership behaviors of small group leaders and also to measure the perception of small group effectiveness. I spent one month in Manado in which the first week was used to distribute the questionnaire to the selected churches which represents the NMC. I divided the population into three groups: the Manado area, the North Minahasa area and the Bitung city area. This method of sampling is called purposive sampling. While the intent is to measure the total population of North Minah...